go diego go!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beginning

   Well I have done it, I have started a blog.    I feel so much pressure now to spell things write and to (da da da dum) use punctuations!!! Anyone ever read the book So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld?  I think there was a girls in there who started a club to try and bring back good grammar- it didn't go over so well.  So any way English was never my favorite subject and I seem to be losing brain cells daily since I find myself saying stuff like "she gots to go potty".  So if you have come here expecting something enlightening or profound you very well might be disappointed and please dont critique cause I can guarantee there will be loads of mistakes and moments that dont make sense.
    So with that out of the way we will start with today. We had a wonderful day attending the Norfolk 2nd ward where my kids successfully made the biggest mess in the chapel.  Thank you to the nice family sitting next to me (you know who you are)  who cleaned up after my children and kept them from beating up your own kids.  Yes I have taken to sitting in the back of the chapel to escape the looks and stares that the two year olds inability to whisper seems to attract.  At least this mess was not as bad as a couple of weeks ago.  I made the mistake of taking yogurt covered raisons!   Note to self and all mothers out there:  Yogurt covered raisons are not a tidy treat!  especially when they get mashed into the carpet!  they then do not come out with the little vacuum they use to clean up after church. And of course the 3 month old had to ralph all over the seat on the way down to scrub up the raisons. I dont know maybe your kids might like yogurst covered raisons my kids thought they were nasty and more fun to throw at each other. 
Back to today- I teach the ctr 5 primary class which My 5 yeaar old attends.  I fail to understand how my daughter can answer the questions fine in class but then come home and not remember a single thing we talked about.  I think all those kids hear are "treat"  and "stickers".  I would love to put those little collars that the dogs in "UP" wore to be able to hear exactly what is going on in their heads. " quick she wants an answer!  and stickers are on the line!  gotta get a sticker!  oh no the girl next to me raised her hand what can I say? what can I say?  Sticker ! must get a sticker!!!"  and then they answer with what they thing is the answer for everything  " Jesus!" (which I guess in a way it kinda is) but it dosnt always fit. 
  The girls packed up their bags today and informed us they were going on their mission (young men and women of our church (the church of jesus christ of latter day saints) serve a 2 year mission for the church) Bein a missionary evidently means you pack a back pack and walk around.  When asked what missionaries do they said "you know like help people find a house and clean up the table..." hmmm well I never seved a mission so... It somehow turned into playing volcanoe and the upstairs was the volcanoe they had to climb up.My four year old was very animated about the hot lava that was downstairs.  Bedtime came around and I tried to use that to my advantage, "  no dont go downstairs!  theres hot lava down there!  your bed is the only safe place to be!"  she then added something new to the game.  She was evidently Jesus and "only Jesus can walk on hot lava mom so you stay up here"
   The 2 year old got his hand shut in the door at nursery and the 3 month old was heard screaming down the hall way while I taught the class (maybe the bishop will hear it and release me-j/k)
  Well it is after 10 all 4 Krazies are sleepin and I am krazy to not be doing the same thing!  Good Night!


  1. Yippeeee! I get to make the first comment!!! I think this is awesome! Well done, Cary! Maybe you ought to change your name to Kary! Haha! I loved reading this...keep 'em komin'!!

  2. ha, that was great :) I loved the lava thing, I wish I could have been there to see it :). And if you're worried about grammar, just have Josh proofread your blog before you post. Love you!

  3. thanx sam! that would be a good idea but imperfections add personality right? and keep you guys busy so i might just leave it.

  4. I love your blog:) Wish you could put all your cute face book notes on here too!! You have such a creative amazing family:) We love you all!!
